Music With Diane


Prepare yourself for piano lessons like you've never seen before!  Presto is a two-year group piano/music class for 7-12 year-old beginning students.  Classes are one hour long, once a week, and every minute of the class is filled with learning and FUN!  Students will learn much more than how to play the piano.  We teach note reading, proper piano technique, ear training, sight reading, music theory, rhythm skills, vocal training, chords, music history, composition, and more!  Our goal is to lay a strong music foundation and develop the complete musician. Although the Presto curriculum focuses on the piano, graduates will be able to transfer their music skills to any instrument.

Pricing and Materials

Registration fee: $35 each year

Tuition: $900 (year 1) and $990 (year 2)

Materials: $88 each year ($58 for a sibling)

Materials include a songbook, workbook, and music tracks for each semester, flashcards, and a tote bag (year 1). Music tracks are accessible on the Let's Play Music app.

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Class Availability               More Info  

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can my child enroll in Presto if they've taken piano lessons before?

   Yes! If they are not too advanced, Presto can still be a great fit.

Do classes go through the summer?

   No. Students will be given music to practice over the summer, but no classes will be held.

Do we need a piano at home?

   Yes. A full-sized piano or keyboard is required (88 keys).  Keyboards must have fully weighted keys. A full-sized keyboard is provided for each student in class.

Does a parent need to attend class?

   No. Parents are not required to attend Presto classes, but will need to commit to practicing at least once per week with their child(ren). 

Is Presto a continuation of the Let's Play Music program, and should my LPM grad enroll?

   No. Presto is an accelerated version of Let's Play Music, covering the same concepts in a varied way that targets the old beginner.  LPM graduates are best suited for Bridge or private lessons.

Will there be any recitals?

   Yes! At the end of the first semester there will be a station day that parents attend, which includes a mini Christmas recital.  At the end of the year in May, a larger and more formal recital is held.

How many students are in a class?


How long are classes?

   One hour the first year and 70 minutes the second year.